Sunday, August 9, 2009

Ron's Jeep

I haven't had time this weekend to make anything, but on Friday DH asked me to make him "WRANGLER" for his jeep window using vinyl. About 2 months ago I made him "Mudd'n" out of vinyl, but he got tired of that (he decided that he didn't like it anymore), and took it off and decided he wanted "WRANGLER" instead. I used Wall Pops that I bought from Lowes. I know that it's not outdoor vinyl, but the "MUDD'N" held-up really well and that was the same vinyl that I used. I used my Cricut (of course) to cut the vinyl along with the Plantin Schoolbook cart for the letters, which are cut at 3 in. height. The only tricky part was I had to use two of the 12x24 mats and cut WRAN on one mat and GLER on the other mat an line them up together. DH is quite happy now!!!


Jess (aka Sparksgal) said...

Looks great!

~ Lorrie ~ said...

Congrats on your new blog!

Candace said...

Cute Blog! Great job on the vinyl job! I have looked and looked for that vinyl stuff at lowes and I don't think mine carries it. Which section did you find it?


laurieinaz said...

Looks like you're off to a good start. Congrats on the blog.

KimS said...

Thanks everyone for the great comments!!!!

Candace...I bought the WallPops last yr. when they were on clearance. It was in the wallpaper dept.

Rose said...

well what a wonderful wife you are!! :) fantastic job!!

JeepinMaMa said...

looks awesome!

Anonymous said...

hey niece you sure are super and very creative. must have rubbed off from your favorite aunt chris, oh wait, i'm your only aunt chris.

Anonymous said...

ooops, so much for anonymity